Behaviour & obedience


If we dive into the archives, we already read in our first club magazine about lesson 23 March 1974, Peerdsbos – Brasschaat – start 14h30. That day, 17 Irish setters turned up.

These first lessons were given by some board members, but after a few weeks Mr G. Seeder was asked to lead the lessons, which he accepted.
In early ’75, they deviated from weekly lessons and started a six-week course with an exam on 21 June ’75. Winner was Lowfield Yuzi, that day we recorded 12 participants.
From 1977, the ISC was looking for a site, which was found at Wommelgem, Ternessenlei.

Jean Struyf had meanwhile followed the instructor course, so that in 1979 the club had a certified instructor according to KMSH standards.
As we were renting the terrain on the Ternessenlei on an annual basis, and sooner or later it would be parcelled out as building land, we were diligently looking for another domain. When the municipality of Wommelgem became the owner of Fort II and made it available to clubs, we were lucky to be allocated 1.5 ha. With the start of the works on 3 November ’79 and hard work by willing members, we were able to officially inaugurate our new grounds on 21 September ’80, and on 27 September we started our weekly lessons at Fort II, which continue to this day.

Thus, after this summary, you can see that behaviour and obedience lessons cannot be left out of our association. Elementary concepts of obedience are a must for our Irish and owners, because say it yourself, aren’t we all proud when we hear others speak with praise about our Irish setter and can refute the fable… ” an Irish doesn’t listen, such a nervous dog”.


Our instructors are on hand every Saturday afternoon to advise and assist you in raising your Irish setter.


  • Puppy class from 12.30pm to 1pm
  • A class from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
  • B class from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • C class from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • D class from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

    • Smits Jean             (Tel  03 297.69.46)
    • Johan Verwerft       (Tel : 0470/56.07.00)
    • Rieky Van Hal        (Tel: 0499/83.43.83)
    • Kris Van Syngel

      We ask members to register online on the class schedule agenda for their respective class.

      If, for whatever reason, a lesson cannot take place, this will also be shown on the agenda.


Jean Smits

Kris Van Syngel

Johan Verwerft

Rieky Van Hal