Field Trial
The Irish setter owes its popularity in a lot of countries to three main characteristics, its fine conformation, its mannerisms and its character.
For which of these reasons it is mainly bought varies from buyer to buyer. It is fair to say that the exterior buyers have the upper hand. However, an Irish setter is more than just a beautiful dog.
The Irish setter has been used and selected as a hunting dog for centuries. As a result, it possesses a special character and behaviour. These inherited traits are valuable and typical of the Irish setter. Anyone who wants to get to know the breed better and experience full joy from it must learn to develop these innate traits. This can be done in a process, most of which takes place in the field. Those who take this trouble will gain many experiences and give the Irish setter the chance to fully develop its abilities. Give the Irish setter what he is entitled to. However, mere enthusiasm is not enough for a good result. Knowledge of his behaviour, character and way of working are necessary.
Field Lessons
Our field lesson days will restart soon in Stekene, where we will have the opportunity to train our setters properly on game searching and walking down a field/terrain on the wind. This takes place at the hunting range in Stekene, where we have instructive and pleasant teaching days with a good atmosphere every time.
With the beginners, we first learn to run down the field against the wind. We also use various whistle signals and hand signals to guide and/or correct the dog.
The dogs are also brought under game, starting on a long leash with quail and pigeons, whether loose or not, in order to get the dog to stand in front and to teach it to remain steady when the game flies up.
This is the work of our upright hunting dogs, by the way.
Practical info
Lesson days
Teaching days are : 16/02/2025 – 23/02/2025 – 02/03/2025 and 16/03/2025
This is on Sundays each time.
To participate, you will need a few important things including whistle – collar ( no sling ) – boots and rainwear – water for the dog and your lunch . At noon we eat together in the hunting lodge .
A long leash is provided.
Address of meeting is : Zandstraat (no 117) in 9190 Stekene
Hour of meeting : 9am so that we can leave for the field InschrijvenAttendaround 9.30am.
Please register for the lesson days with Johan Moons via
Participation cost is € 45 per dog